近70年来, 阿尔布开克学院 has been the highest-regarded secondary educational institution in the state of New Mexico 和 in the Southwest, providing exceptional learning experiences for its students 和 serving as a lodestar for educational opportunity in our region. 国外正规买球app官方版下载在具有挑战性的课程上的投资, 高素质的教职员工, 最先进的设施, 和 comprehensive student support allow it to provide an unparalleled learning environment that fosters curiosity, 创造力, 批判性思维, 和 love for lifelong learning 和 development – skills 和 attributes needed to thrive in our ever-increasingly changing world.
所有给国外正规买球app官方版下载的礼物都是免税的. 学院税务编号是85-0129165. 请 给办公室发邮件 如果您有任何问题,请致电(505)828-3281.
The 阿尔布开克学院 Fund provides an opportunity for all members 和 friends of the school to secure the continued quality of an Academy education. 每年 the Academy Fund raises money critical to maintaining quality programming 和 a state-of-the-art education. Participation serves as an expression of confidence 和 appreciation for the school 和 the work that takes place on campus each day on behalf of our students. 参与者的数量比每次捐献的金额更有效地增长基金. The fund benefits every facet of the school’s operation 和 helps ensure the difference between tuition 和 the true cost of educating an Academy student.
Gifts to the 阿尔布开克学院 endowment protect 和 provide for the financial stability 和 security of the school in perpetuity. 学校总捐赠的一定比例, 由校董会决定, 和 the interest generated by it is used to support the annual operating budget while the corpus remains intact to keep our 社区 strong for generations of students to come.
每个学生每年都从捐赠基金中受益, as income from the endowment is used to offset our current tuition from the true cost of educating each child.
Because our school’s mission requires that our 社区’s fundraising efforts meet the difference between tuition income 和 the actual cost of an Academy education, we prioritize initiatives designed to raise funds for our ongoing operating costs 和 reserve the creation of endowed funds for unique circumstances.
学院是各种命名捐赠基金的骄傲和感激的受益者. 共计35美元的礼物,000或更多 may be used to create an endowed fund to support a particular school program 和 may be named in honor or memory of someone. 一旦基金成立, 可能会有额外的捐献加入该基金以帮助其成长, 由理事会每年批准的百分比决定基金的年度支出, 用于支持指定的程序. 每年的管理报告会寄给捐赠基金的捐赠人, 提供上一学年基金支出使用情况的最新情况.
全球十大外围足球平台排行中学明白,没有一个学生能独自成功. We believe the strength of our 社区 lies in the bonds we form 和 the collective support we offer one another. 友谊, 合作, 分享的时刻塑造了每个孩子的教育以及每个家庭与学院的联系. 我们希望,随着时间的推移,学生们能够认识到家庭的概念是没有界限的. 无论是老师指导他们完成一门课程, 教练帮助他们在场上和场下成长, 或者和他们一起学习, 我们的学院家庭是建立在支持和提升每个孩子的关系.
在2024年的捐赠星期二, 我们的目标是筹集150美元,从500多份礼物中抽取了5000美元, 加强我们集体承诺的力量和我们社区的力量.
在国外正规买球app官方版下载, 无论你是现在的家庭, 一个校友, 或者校友的父母, 你是学院大家庭不可或缺的一员. 在一起, 我们可以确保国外正规买球app官方版下载这个大家庭继续发展壮大, 共同致力于教育事业, 社区, 每一个学生的成功, 彼此之间.
我们想听听你的学院家庭——谁是影响你校园生活的人? 一位为学费捐款的祖父母, 开车送你去学校的邻居, 一个对你负责的队友, 一个激励你尽最大努力的兄弟姐妹, 一位在挑战中支持你的老师, 那些理解照顾孩子的压力的父母. Share how the Academy has shaped your life: Post your Academy family story on social media 和 tag us (#myAcademyFamily, # AcademyDayofGiving, # AlbuquerqueAcademy).
Bonus: Set up a monthly recurring gift of at least $19 (or any recurring gift of $228 or more annually), 和 we will send you an Academy family t-shirt to personalize with the names of your Academy family members. 重复赠送礼物是庆祝学年的一种有趣的方式. 例如, 如果您或您的孩子在2021年毕业, 你可以创建一个每月20美元的经常性礼物.21 or $202.10.
春节送礼节 is an important Academy-specific giving day intended to demonstrate school spirit 和 financial commitment through a variety of matching gift incentives, 参与挑战, 和奖品.
如果您有兴趣提供至少2美元的匹配礼品奖励,校友学年或学生年级500美元, 请联系 (电子邮件保护).
每年, 国外正规买球app官方版下载补贴超过8美元,000 of every student’s education from the Academy’s endowment 和 other philanthropic efforts such as donations to the Academy Fund. 我们的使命是为今天建立一个强大的学院基金,并确保未来的捐赠. 您可以通过查看《全球十大外围足球平台排行》了解更多关于这一倡议的信息, 我们支持的理由, 位于本页的顶部.
衷心感谢, 我们感谢我们的企业合作伙伴对新墨西哥州社会责任的承诺. 他们对我们学校和更广泛的社区教育的投资, 文化, 经济进步是无价的, 帮助为所有人建设更光明的未来.
近70年来, 阿尔布开克学院 has been the most highly regarded secondary educational institution in New Mexico 和 the Southwest. The Academy serves as a hub for intellectual 和 文化 engagement as well as 社区 service that benefits our city. 几代人以来,学院一直是新墨西哥州至关重要的发射台. 我们培养我们的学生成为社会意识,领导和回馈.
另外, the Academy drives economic development by serving as one of the city’s larger employers as well as by attracting new businesses whose employees seek exceptional educational opportunities for their children. 作为国外正规买球app官方版下载的企业合作伙伴, 你们不仅投资于我们未来领导人的教育, 学者, 和改变, 但你们也为我们整个社会的整体实力和活力做出了贡献.
欲了解更多关于成为公司合作伙伴的信息,请 电子邮件发展 或拨打(505)828-3281.